Categories of Grants
The Local Foundation Arm
Application Form
and Information Sheet
Processing of
Applications for Scholarship and Other Grants
Purpose: The purpose of this
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to prescribe the policies, steps
and procedures in the awarding of scholarship and other grants of the
ZUCIR Foundation Inc. (ZUFI), otherwise hereafter referred to as the
Scope: This SOP covers scholarship
awards to deserving students in high school and college, whether in
the provinces or in Metro Manila and other urban areas, as well as any
assistance extended for other academic activities such as faculty
enhancement and students’ participation in regional or national
academic competitions.
Policy: ZUFI
recognizes the importance of education and other intellectual
achievements in the full development and progress of every
Zumarraganhon. It is therefore committed to sponsor scholars and
other qualified individuals, of Zumarraganhon descent, and to
support them as well in their active involvement in community
volunteer-service and other socio-civic activities designed to
benefit society and the citizenry.
Categories of Grants:
The grants of the Foundation are classified into the following:
a) High School Scholarship Award.
This award is designed to support deserving honor students studying at
the local high school (s). Consisting of a monthly stipend of P50.00 for
every 10-month school year, the award is renewable yearly, not to exceed
four (4) years.
b) College Scholarship Grant. This
grant is to encourage qualified students to pursue any 4-5 year
baccalaureate degree program in any recognized college or university in
the country. The grantee is entitled to a P5, 000.00 allowance every
semester if studying in the province or a P10, 000.00 every semester if
studying in Metro Manila or any other similar urbanized area. The award
is renewable for the duration of the appropriate college degree program
but not exceeding four (4) years in the case on non-engineering courses
and five (5) years in the case of engineering/technical courses that
require that long to complete.
c) Other Grants. The
Foundation, through its Board of Trustees, may, on a situational
basis, provide for other grants and awards, such as: 1)
Contestants’ Aid;
2) Undergraduate Scholarship Expansion Program; 3)
Faculty Enhancement Grant; and 4) Special Achievement
The Academic Contestants’ Aid.
This aid may be granted, upon the recommendation of the Foundation
Local Arm, to
deserving local high school students who have been adjudged as
pre-qualified participants in academic contests at the regional and
national levels.
ZUFI Undergraduate
Scholarship Expansion Program (ZUSEP). This program
intends to
expand ZUFI's grants to other degree-programs over and above its regular
programs depending on the availability of funds. This expanded
scholarship program may be made available in consideration of preferred
courses in the following specialties: Nursing; Information and
Communications Technology; Engineering, Statistics & Allied Courses;
Language Studies; and Short-Term Technical-Vocational Courses such as
Physical Therapy and Automotive-Mechanic Courses.
Faculty Enhancement Grant. As a motivation to aspiring local high
school faculty members, the Grant may be
awarded to deserving members of the faculty of the local high school (s)
who may desire to take seminars or continuing education for professional
advancement. This Grant is designed to help upgrade the
pedagogical competencies of local high school teachers, and aspirants
thereto, especially in the fields of science, mathematics and language.
For the most part, this Grant is a continuing education program
essentially based in the principles of Open Learning/ Distance
Education, where:
Students are physically
separated from the professor by geographic location, professional
commitments and/or filial obligations;
2) Students are self-directed and
independent; they study on their own time and at their own place;
3) Students study on their own
specially designed learning packages prepared by a quality circle
consisting of subject matter specialists, instructional designers,
illustrators, editors, and multimedia designers; these learning packages
make use of multimedia such as print, audio, video, computer programs,
and the internet; and
4) Learning is individualized.
The grant may be extended to qualified individuals interested in
pursuing such programs as are available through the U.P. Open University
(UPOU), namely:
Diploma in Science Teaching (DST)
– with Biology, Chemistry and Physics as its major areas. It is designed
for the training of secondary science teachers composed of 26 units of
course work for each area to be completed in four semesters and one
summer term.
Diploma in Mathematics Teaching (DMT)
– provides an opportunity to mathematics teachers at the secondary level
who desire to improve their knowledge of the subject matter and to learn
to apply effective teaching strategies. This is also a 26 units of
course work to be completed in four semesters and one summer.
Diploma in Language Studies for
Teachers – designed to upgrade language
teaching competencies and literacy in basic education. With majors that
include language and reading education, the program
consists of 24 units of course work that can be completed in four
Diploma/Master in Social Studies
Education – designed to upgrade teachers’
competencies in teaching “Makabayan”. This program is a 26 unit-course
work that can be completed in four semesters and one summer.
Special Achievement Awards. For commendable performance beyond the
minimum standards set by the Foundation, special awards may
be granted, subject to availability of funds, to outstanding achievers
in particular fields as may be decided upon by the Board and to college
scholars who have achieved the following:
Dean’s Lister
------------------------ P 5,000.00
Cum Laude Graduate
--------------- P 5,000.00
Magna Cum Laude Graduate
------ P10,000.00
Summa Cum Laude Graduate
----- P15,000.00

Scholarship Standards: Standards
and/or contracts shall be set for all categories of awards and grants
covered by this SOP:
a) As minimum qualifications at both
high school and college levels, applicants and recipients of scholarship
awards shall pass the following academic and moral standards:
1. Academic Standard: The grantee shall
have a general average rating of at least 85%, or equivalent, with no
grade lower than 80%, or equivalent, in any single academic subject;
2. Moral standard:
The awardee must be of good moral character and reputation, shall have
no pending case in any civil or criminal court nor shall have been
convicted of any offense punishable by the Revised Penal Code.
b) For other categories, standards
shall be defined prior to the granting or renewal of the
The Local Foundation Arm: For an
effective local administration of the above mentioned grants, and for
other purposes in furtherance of the objectives of the Foundation,
there is a need to maintain a ZUFI "Foundation Local Arm" which shall be based
in Zumarraga and/or Catabalogan, Samar. Said Foundation Local Arm shall be
composed of selected volunteers from among distinguished residents of Zumarraga or Zumarraganhons residing or working in Catbalogan who may
have the disposition, time and passion to extend a helping hand in the
prosecution of the projects of the Foundation. The Foundation Local Arm may
be composed of a Co-Chair for College and another Co-Chair for High
School and such other officials as may be designated by the Board of
Trustees, with members as may be recommended by the Co-Chairs and/or
the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and with consultants from the
local high schools and the alumni associations as may be needed. The
composition of the Foundation Local Arm may be
announced by the Board of Trustees from time to time.
Procedures: Procedures in the
selection of beneficiaries of the scholarship and other grants are
hereby established, to wit:
a) High School Scholarship Award:
1) Right after the end of every school
year, the Foundation Arm shall determine the number/names of scholars
who deserve continuation of their scholarship;
2) The Foundation Local Arm shall submit to the
Board of Trustees (c/o The Chairman) its recommendations as to the
number/names of those to be retained as scholars, by year, from Second
Year to Fourth Year. Likewise, he shall submit its recommendations for
number/names of the new or entering scholars (first year) in the local
high schools from among those who just graduated with honors in the
local elementary schools and who are interested to apply for ZUFI
scholarship; such recommendation shall be prioritized based on
honors/grades obtained as appearing in their official academic records,
provided that all applicants shall have passed the moral standards as
set by the Foundation;
3) The Chairman, Foundation Local Arm shall
recommend to the Board of Trustees
in the soonest possible time; with due consideration for the registration of the
scholars in time for the opening of classes.
4) As far as practicable, a scholarship
contract or undertaking, as per sample format in Annex A, shall be
executed by the grantee, with parental consent, prior to the
implementation of the grant. Upon affirmation by the Board, the Treasurer
shall advance to the Foundation Local Arm Co-Chair the scholars’
stipends for the first five (5) months of the school year, with the
balance to be released after receipt of the scholars' ratings for the
grading period within the first five months.
5) The Foundation Local Arm shall
periodically monitor the
progress of the academic performance of the scholars directly or through
the schools concerned and therewith apprise the Board accordingly which
appraisal shall be a basis for any subsequent release of the scholars’
b) College Scholarship Grant:
1) Right after the end of every school
year, the Foundation Arm shall determine the number/names of college
scholars who deserve continuation of their scholarship;
2) Likewise, the Foundation Arm shall
process new honor graduates from the local high schools who are
interested to qualify for a ZUFI College Scholarship through an
examination to be conducted under the direction and supervision of a
College Scholarship Exam Committee organized by the Board of Trustees
and/or by the Foundation Arm upon request or authority of the Board;
3) The Chairman, Foundation Local Arm shall submit
recommend eligible college scholars to the Board of Trustees in
the soonest possible time with due consideration for the registration of
the scholars; and the Board shall pass upon said recommendations with
dispatch in time for the opening of classes;
4) Upon review and approval by the Board of
said recommendations, the Treasurer shall remit the amount authorized or
allocated for the purpose through the Foundation Local Arm, in the case
of local college scholars, or directly to the
scholars in the case of those studying in Metro Manila and other places
as may be applicable;
5) As far as practicable, a scholarship
contract or undertaking, as per sample format in Annex B, shall be
executed by the grantee, with parental consent, prior to the
commencement of the college scholarship grant; and
6) Except for scholars directly under the
supervision of the Board, the Foundation Local Arm shall periodically monitor the
progress of the academic performance of the scholars directly or through
the local schools concerned and therewith apprise the Board accordingly
which appraisal shall be a basis for any subsequent release of the
scholars’ stipends and other allowances as may be appropriate.

c) ZUFI Undergraduate Scholarship
Expansion Program (ZUSEP): To be considered for this grant, the
applicant shall be:
1) A native of Zumarraga and/or whose
mother or father or both are Zumarraganhon;
2) A high school graduate with a general
average of 85% and above and/or achiever in some specialized fields;
3) Of good moral character with no record
of conviction in a crime or a felony involving moral turpitude; and
4) Physically, emotionally and mentally
fit to pursue studies/training.
Application Requirements:
1) Duly
accomplished application for admission form;
2) Original
copy of High School Permanent record or one (1) duly certified
3) Two
(2) letters of recommendation from:
3.1) any
ZUFI Trustee or any reputable barangay or local government officials of
the Municipality of Zumarraga, Samar.
3.2) Principal of one’s High School Alma
4) Two (2) recent 2x2 and two (2) 1x1
identical colored photos with plain white background and complete name
and address at the back;
Medical certificate issued by
a licensed physician; and
Certificate of good moral
character from:
6.1) High School Principal/ Local Parish
6.2) Barangay where applicant resides
Application Procedure:
Applicant shall secure a copy
of scholarship application from ZUFI or contact the Chairman,
Scholarship Committee (Dr. Teresa D. Solero, College of Education,
University of Makati, Fort Bonifacio, Makati City or call 8692566) for
Applicant shall then submit a
correctly and completely accomplished application for admission form
together with all the required documents enumerated above to the given
address of ZUFI.
The ZUFI Board shall validate
and act upon the application documents within a reasonable period of
time in time for registration; and finally,
The Chairman, Scholarship
Committee shall recommend for approval of the Board the
number/names of qualified grantees, which approval shall be the basis
for the Treasurer to cause the release of the stipends or allowances as
d) Faculty Enhancement Grant: To
qualify for this grant, the applicant shall:
Be currently employed as a
school teacher in Zumarraga or any of its barangays;
Must have rendered at least
five (5) years of continued school or government service;
Must be wiling to upgrade
his/her professional and pedagogical competencies through continuing
4) Must be physically and mentally fit
to pursue quality higher studies;
5) Must not be over 40 years of age;
6) Must be a Civil Service Eligible or
have passed the Professional Board Exams for Teachers (PBET) or
Licensure Exams for Teachers (LET), or any equivalent government
examinations' and,
7) Must execute a
contract to serve the local high school for two (2) years per
semester/quarter of scholarship grant or a fraction thereof.
The following shall be observed in the
application for the Faculty Enhancement Grant:
The Foundation Local Arm shall
initially process and short-list interested applicants for this grant,
provided that said applicants shall signify their intention in writing
directly addressed to the ZUFI Board;
2) The Board, upon the recommendation
of its Scholarship Committee, shall select who among the qualified
applicants will be extended faculty enhancement grants on such programs
and duration as it may determine from time to time; and, the
3) The
grantee shall execute a "contract of service," as stipulated above.
e) Special Achievement Award:
College scholars who are eligible for this grant shall submit a duly
authenticated certificate or other legal document attesting to the
special achievement covered by this SOP. Other prospective awardees who
have distinguished themselves in other fields, such as a recognized
inventor, an outstanding athlete and the like, and therefore merit a
special award may qualify for this award as may be deliberated upon and
so determined by the Board.
Application Form and Information
Sheet. All applicants for scholarship shall apply in writing and
submit their bio-data, with 2x2 photograph and other requirements,
as per enclosed sample format (Annex "C"). Scholars who have
completed the availment of their grants are enjoined to update the
Foundation of their circumstances such as accomplishing an
information sheet as per the enclosed form (Annex "D").
Rescission. All previous SOP’s and
instructions in conflict with this SOP are hereby repealed or amended
Effectivity. This SOP shall take
effect immediately.
By Authority of the Board:
Corporate Secretary